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Lego Adventure

Lego’s may be used for either a boy or girls birthday party. I personally LOVE the colors associated with Lego’s; the red, blue and yellow make such a great mixture. I like this theme because the Lego’s may be used to make snacks! For one, you may use the blocks to make Jello Lego blocks! How cool would that be?! Or placing a large Lego cake on top of the lego building plate! So many ideas come to mind, and they may be done on any budget. One of my favorites is the candy bags. You use the smaller gift bags in the colors mentioned above; they are usually 2 or 3 for a $1 so not expensive at all. You would cut out a couple of circles and place them on the front of the bags and there you have it, a Lego candy bag. The cake may also be special ordered or it may be baked at home. Regular frosting and a couple of half cup cupcakes placed on top of the cake and there’s a large Lego. I think birthday parties can be done on any budget, all one needs is lots of research and creativity to make some of the things. Have fun with your kids birthday party ideas.


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